How to Remove Triphenylphosphine Oxide (TPPO)


Methodology Development

  1. Batesky, D. C.; Goldfogel, M. J.; Weix, D. J., Removal of Triphenylphosphine Oxide by Precipitation with Zinc Chloride in Polar Solvents. J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82 (19), 9931-9936.
  2. Hergueta, A. R., Easy Removal of Triphenylphosphine Oxide from Reaction Mixtures by Precipitation with CaBr2. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022, 26 (6), 1845-1853.
  3. Moschetta, E. G.; Cardinal-David, B.; Dunn, T. B.; Diwan, M., Scalable Protocol for Removing Triphenylphosphine Oxide from Reactions Using MgCl2 and Wet Milling. Org. Process Res. Dev. 202410.1021/acs.oprd.4c00071.
  1. Lukin, K.; Kishore, V.; Gordon, T., Development of a Scalable Synthesis of Oxadiazole Based S1P1 Receptor Agonists. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17 (4), 666-671.